
D6-Deliverable D2.1: Data base of hazards related to closed and abandoned coalmines and lignite in Europe

The current document is the technical report of Task 2.1, supporting and supplementing the knowledge base created for D2.1. The primary objective of this task was to create a comprehensive knowledge database for the coal mining communities, explicitly focusing on post-mining hazard occurrences. The primary deliverable is an Excel spreadsheet with a knowledge base document describing the hazards affecting abandoned coal mines
across Europe. Partners representing each country (France, Germany, Greece, and Poland) have been in contact with various national and regional organizations. They gathered relevant data, representative examples, and information on hazard management related to abandoned coal and lignite mines. 

Section 2.1 provides the database’s creation development, while section 2.2 outlines the families categorizing post-mining hazards. Section 2.3 establishes the guidelines governing the utilization of the final knowledge database. Additionally, these guidelines are available as an additional sheet within the Excel file.


D7- Deliverable D2.2: Critical analysis and methodology of multi-hazard interaction

The deliverable addresses more precisely:
• The post-mining hazard and the approaches and used tools across Europe to assess and integrate in a single and consistent framework several specific hazards / hazards interactions and their socio-economic implications;
• The gaps in terms of methods for evaluating specific hazards / hazards interactions, and their socio-economic implications.
The main objective of the deliverable is to summarize the feedback and the critical analysis regarding the risk assessment for multi-hazards in the mining sector and, more precisely, in post-mining areas.
The main outcome of this analysis is showing that the number of the post-mining hazards considered varies from one country to another. The main post-mining hazards related to abandoned coal-mines in Europe are: ground movement, pollution, hydrological disturbance. But also, in Poland, the induced seismicity and radiation are considered as post-mining hazards related to coalmine.
The critical analysis clearly highlighted the lack of multi-hazard analysis. Different tools used for multi-hazard analysis of natural hazards can be used in the context of the postmining hazards, such as multi-hazard matrix, interaction organigram etc. The multi-hazard assessment will present important benefits for stakeholders.
The next steps are the studying of the multi-hazards and multi-risks, methods and regulations for the identification, analysis, classification and assessment of post-mining hazards for their respective countries, and with particular reference to their areas of specific expertise.

D8- Deliverable D2.3: Methodology of the interactions between post-mining hazards

The deliverable addresses more precisely:

  • The definition and description of the hazard categories that can occur in the mining area: mining hazards, natural hazards, and technology hazard. 

  • The identification and evaluation of the hazard interactions: mining-mining hazards interaction, mining-natural hazards interaction, and mining-technology hazards interaction.

  • The construction of the interaction diagrams. 

  • The evaluation of special and temporal scale interaction. 

  • Suggestion of a tool to map the hazard interaction.
    The results of the work done in this task showing that the assessment of the potential interactions of mining hazards with natural and technology hazards are very important for the management of the abandoned mining sites in Europe and all over the world. The identification of the potential interactions between hazards should be based on the partners knowledge, as experts of the mining, natural and technology hazards. Specific tools were presented in the deliverable e.g. the interaction matrix, the diagram of interactions.

    The application of the developed methodology needs a large effort for collecting the different information firstly to assess the level of the single hazards and then to build the matrix of interactions or the diagrams of interactions. Additionally, different scenarios can be (should) identified, described, allowing measuring the probability of occurrence for a specific site.

    The document presents the development of multi-hazards interaction and assessment in former abandoned mines in order to:

  • take stock of the consideration of the physical interactions between various hazardous phenomena and any regulatory incompatibilities or constructive provisions inherent in multi-risk. 
  • propose a methodology of multi-hazard assessment that considers the interactions between hazards around abandoned mines. 

D12- Deliverable D4.1: Report on system requirements, system design and architecture

In response to the intricate challenges of post-mining hazards, the POMHAZ project has articulated a comprehensive system design and requirement framework. This endeavor is propelled by the necessity for a sophisticated GIS-based Decision Support System (DSS) capable of efficiently managing, analyzing, and visualizing diverse spatial information. The proposed summary encapsulates key components and strategies delineated in the report: 

  • data formats and specifications
  • pre-porcessing steps
  • general concept of DSS toolbox
  • front ends for interaction with stakeholders
  • selection of a suitable database system
  • required harware