The overall proposal objective of the project is to improve the methodological knowledge for practical realization of multi-hazards analyses, at the scale of a mining basin, in correlation with the main kind of post-mining hazards. The proposal aims at testing and adapting the developed methodology to the specific needs of the local authorities in different European countries, in particular considering the different risks that affect the coal mine region in the European context. In addition, a procedure to facilitate and improve the direct execution of the methodology by the local authorities will be developed. To reach this overall objective, the project has been split into the following points:
- Make methodologies more consistent between the different hazards.
- Develop a systematic approach to risks assessment.
- Take into consideration physical interactions between hazards to correct real risk levels.
- Take into consideration the impact of mitigation techniques on a global view (all hazards).
- Develop a Decision Support System (DSS).
- Develop a GIS tool to facilitate the mapping of the multi-hazards.
- Provide consistent documents for future land "management" and special planning and tools to better anticipate interactions and prepare the mine transition.
The target of PoMHaZ is to help them integrate a multi-hazard approach in their current land-use practices, to better orient future choices to increase the protection against consequences of the interactions of the hazards.
The project will discuss the practices and understanding of each other that allowed for proposing a global methodology by considering the interaction between hazards and improved risk management.