- Ineris (France): The National Institute of Industrial Environment and Risks (Ineris), is a public research institute whose mission is to provide expertise, scientific and technical assistance to public authorities, local authorities, and businesses to help them make the decisions best suited to improving environmental safety.
- CERTH (Greece): The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas was founded in March 2000 and is one of the top leading research centres in Greece.
- Public Power Corporation (Greece): PPC is the leading power generation and supply company in Greece engaged in the generation, distribution, and sale of electricity to consumers.
- GIG (Poland): The Central Mining Institute works for industry, state and local authorities and other customers. The mission of the Institute is to create modern, energy-saving and clean technologies and technical solutions, to undertake measures towards the creation of desired relationship: industry – environment – people.
- SRK (Poland): SRK is a mining company, set up to conduct the mines liquidation, securing neighbouring mines against the threat of flooding, gas and fire, during and after mine closure.
- FZN-THGA (Germany): The Research Center of Post-Mining was established in 2015 at the Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola University in Bochum, Germany. About 40 scientists work here in four different post-mining related research areas: “Perpetual tasks and minewater management”, “Geomonitoring in post-mining”, “Material sciences for the preservation of cultural heritage” and “Reactivation and Transition”.
TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany): The TU is the oldest mining university in the world with above 250 years of history in research and education. The combination of the four core fields – geo, material, energy, environment – provides a unique profile as “The University of Resources”. The focus of the Institute of Mine Surveying and Geodesy, at the TU-Freiberg, lies on the education and training of future experts and leaders in the field of geomonitoring and mine surveying.